A) Less than a month
B) 1-3 months
C) 3-6 months
D) More than 6 months
A) Communication issues
B) Infidelity or trust issues
C) Different life goals
D) External pressures (e.g., family, friends)
A) Yes, I’ve tried reaching out but with no success.
B) Yes, we’ve talked but haven’t made significant progress.
C) No, I haven’t tried yet because I’m unsure how to approach them.
D) No, I was waiting for the right moment or strategy.
A) I truly love and miss them; I believe we’re meant to be together.
B) I think we both made mistakes and want to give it another chance.
C) I want to prove that I can change and be a better partner.
D) I’m not entirely sure, but I can’t move on without trying.
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